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  • Contato | Vetschool São Paulo

    Send your message and we will enter in touch. Name Surname Email Cell phone Message Thanks for sending! To send

  • TERMOS DE USO | Vetschool São Paulo

    Policy and terms of use student dropout In case the student withdraws, there will be no refund of the registration fee and monthly fees paid. ​ Certificates The course does not confer a title, degree or certificate in any of the latu-sensu postgraduate modalities recognized by the MEC. ​ class confirmation The confirmation of the course is subject to the minimum number of students enrolled: if the minimum number of students is not reached, the registration fee will be fully refunded by VetSchool, via PagSeguro or Paypal. Âncora 1

  • POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDADE | Vetschool São Paulo

    Policy and terms of use student dropout In case the student withdraws, there will be no refund of the registration fee and monthly fees paid. ​ Certificates The course does not confer a title, degree or certificate in any of the latu-sensu postgraduate modalities recognized by the MEC. ​ class confirmation The confirmation of the course is subject to the minimum number of students enrolled: if the minimum number of students is not reached, the registration fee will be fully refunded by VetSchool, via PagSeguro or Paypal.

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