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- Contato | Vetschool São Paulo
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- TERMOS DE USO | Vetschool São Paulo
Policy and terms of use student dropout In case the student withdraws, there will be no refund of the registration fee and monthly fees paid. Certificates The course does not confer a title, degree or certificate in any of the latu-sensu postgraduate modalities recognized by the MEC. class confirmation The confirmation of the course is subject to the minimum number of students enrolled: if the minimum number of students is not reached, the registration fee will be fully refunded by VetSchool, via PagSeguro or Paypal. Âncora 1
Policy and terms of use student dropout In case the student withdraws, there will be no refund of the registration fee and monthly fees paid. Certificates The course does not confer a title, degree or certificate in any of the latu-sensu postgraduate modalities recognized by the MEC. class confirmation The confirmation of the course is subject to the minimum number of students enrolled: if the minimum number of students is not reached, the registration fee will be fully refunded by VetSchool, via PagSeguro or Paypal.